
April 2024

Welcome to my website on Christian Missions and Missions Theology! Here are a few things that MIGHT be of help.

  1. BLOGS. I do recommend looking over my 1400+ blogposts. For them, click on BLOGPOSTS.
  2. BOOKS. I have written a few books along the way, mostly for my students either at Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary or Bukal Life Care & Counseling Center. For them, click on BOOKS.
  3. TOP POSTS. I would love to say that all of my 1400+ blog posts are topnotch… Alas, that may not be so. Perhaps you would like to look over what I think are the best. For them, click on BEST POSTS.
  4. ARTICLES. I have written some articles over the years on varying topics. They are available all together at Academia.edu. You can find them by clicking at ARTICLES.


-About to publish our “Philippine Journal of Religious Studies” of which I am “editor-in-chief.” It is in final edit.

-Preparing to travel back to the Philippines in a few days.